Galaxy of Homes
/ Case Studies / 300% increase in website enquiries
300% increase in website enquiries
Website development
“We won the award! And I personally believe that a lot of it was due to the website. Also, we are now getting client leads through the website.”
Vikash Jayaswal
Co-founder of Galaxy of Homes
/ Challenge
Galaxy of Homes is a property management service who were up for a prestigious business award. They had two weeks to showcase their testimonials but lacked a good, professional website. We had two weeks to showcase Galaxy of Homes as the successful company it is so that the company would be able to receive traffic from press coverage of the event to their website.
/ Solution
We aligned our workflow with theirs and not only redesigned the site, but improved the user journey, aligning it with their desired outputs. Through our consultation process we understood that most of their business comes from people attending their events, so we made sure the flow from homepage to signing up was central to our design.
/ Results
Galaxy of Homes now have a professional web presence. Their website was designed within the deadline. The company received a 300% increase in website enquiries
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