Community Agencies

Creating Solutions
for Community Agencies

Nearly a decade ago, Aspiring Panda set out on a journey to use #techforgood. Since then we have worked with community agencies and local government authorities to address socio-economic challenges in Africa. We partner with former UN workers to embed the UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030 into the foundations of technical solutions we create.

"We are thankful to Aspiring Panda for their tireless efforts and commitment to
improving the livelihoods of farmers and communities in Kanungu district and the
Kigezi region, through enhanced agriculture, improved education, and access to
technology, and by also facilitating modern agriculture and providing an
international online ecommerce platform for local produce"

Ivan Mushana

Executive Director at Tree Uganda Academy

Common challenges we address for community agencies

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Lack of technical

We act as your technical arm so you can leverage the latest technology to solve real-life problems for your beneficiaries

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Lack of access to
long term funding

Donors are looking for transparency and confirmation of their financial commitment to your organisation. Our team can work with you to implement applications that manage projects and provide donors with evidence of work done to secure future funding.

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out-dated solutions

We help you tackle long-standing challenges with user-friendly and fit-for-purpose mobile apps, web apps and IT infrastructure.

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Limited internet
access in rural

If your projects are based in remote areas, it can be difficult to rely on technology. We have nearly a decade of experience in working around these challenges so that you can still harness technology where appropriate

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mobile devices for
latest applications

In emerging countries, citizens often use older versions of phones that are incompatible with modern applications. Our development team can help you work around these limitations.

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We understand that every culture perceives technology differently. We work with you to balance technology and human intervention for optimal results.

/ Related Content

/ Cepa UG Success Story

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Let's start a new project together

Our consultants can help you secure your IT infrastructure and build bespoke customer experiences so you can focus on growing your business.

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